10 Google Search Console Tricks That Will Transform Your SEO in 2024.

Google Search Console
Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google to help site owners and SEOs understand how their sites are performing in Google search results. However, many are still unaware of the powerful tricks and features hidden within Search Console. In this article, we will explore 10 tricks in Google Search Console that can transform your SEO strategy. These tricks will help you fix errors, preview pages, monitor links and crawling issues, and ultimately improve your site’s visibility and performance on Google.

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Read Reports and Identify Errors:

google search console

Page indexing

The Google Search Console reports section provides invaluable insights into any issues found on your site during crawls. Take the time to understand each error message and identify patterns. Common errors include missing title tags, duplicate page content, and broken links. Fixing these errors can help resolve crawling and indexing problems. Don’t ignore errors – investigate and use the “Submit to Index” feature to help Google re-crawl problematic pages faster.

Preview Your Page:

Google Search Console allows you to preview what Google sees when crawling a page on your site. This is extremely useful for SEO debugging. To do this, select “URL Inspection” and enter the URL you want to preview. You can view the page headers, meta description, page speed metrics and more. Use this to double-check for any technical errors before submitting pages for re-crawl using “Fetch as Google”.

Be Patient:

Remember that SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. While Search Console reports errors instantly, fixing them can take time before you see results. Plan fixes methodically over weeks rather than expecting immediate result. Give Google enough time to re-crawl updated pages and recognize the fixes through natural links and mentions. Patience and persistence are key to success with Search Console.

Don’t Abuse Index Requests:


The “Submit to Index” feature in Search Console helps Google find and index updated pages faster. However, abusing this tool can be counterproductive. Only use it for significant page changes, otherwise you risk wasting Google’s crawl budget without adding value. If issues aren’t actually fixed, repeated re-indexing requests may cause Google to lose trust in your submissions. Focus on quality content and link building for best organic growth.

Identify Security Issues:

Search Console provides a security report that helps detect malware, hacked pages and other security vulnerabilities on your site. Review this report regularly as security issues can damage your site’s reputation and ability to rank. Address any vulnerabilities promptly by fixing infected pages, securing admin areas, installing SSL etc. An optimized, secure site helps improve trust with Google and positive user experience – both crucial SEO factors.

Focus on Core Web Vitals:

Google Search Console

While speed is important, don’t obsess over micro-optimizations just to boost your PageSpeed Insights score. Prioritize overall user experience. Search Console reports on Core Web Vitals like Largest Contentful Paint, Speed Index and Cumulative Layout Shift which better indicate true user satisfaction. Work on improving these experience metrics through better asset optimization and site architecture before worrying too much about milliseconds.

Avoid Over-Analyzing:

It’s easy to get lost analyzing daily Search Console fluctuations, but minor changes happen all the time. Resist the urge to make impulsive adjustments after only a few reports. Give time for fixes and updates to propagate. Wait at least 2-4 weeks after completing optimizations or submitting new content to properly assess actual impact on metrics like impressions, clicks, and positions. Over-tweaking can do more harm than good.

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Check Inbound Links:

Poor or no incoming links are frequently why pages fail to rank. Search Console’s linking report shows referring domains, top pages and anchor text of links to your site. Monitor these closely for unexpected drops which could signal disavow opportunities. Look for coverage gaps across your topic categories and competitor analyses for potential link building angles. Outreach should be based on insightful link data, not random targeting.

Help Google Crawl Your Site:

Ensure your sitemap is submitted and indexed in Search Console. Validate, Google can access your XML sitemap and robots.txt file. Check for crawl errors related to permissions, 4xx+ status codes. Test URLs under “URL Inspection” to see crawling/rendering issues. Resolve blocking issues as they prevent complete discovery of your content. Submit new/updated high quality pages for indexing to boost opportunities for discovery and ranking.

Use Google Trends for Keyword Insights:

Google Trends data when integrated with Search Console can uncover lucrative long-tail keywords. Enter keywords into trends and compare interest over time against location and categories. Monitor sudden spikes that could indicate new opportunities. Check keyword difficulty using Search Console before prioritizing. Start with mid-to-high search volume queries related to your niche, where you have a competitive advantage. Create optimized content addressing informational and transactional intent to rank for these opportunities.


In conclusion, Google’s Search Console has many hidden tricks that can boost your organic visibility, from fixing errors to monitoring performance and driving better content creation and linking strategies. But it’s important to use the tools judiciously and not obsess over short term fluctuations. With patience and focus on user experience, the insights from Google Search Console can truly transform your overall SEO approach in 2024. Join Digi-Flair Global For a one-on-one mentorship.

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10 Google Search Console Tricks That Will Transform Your SEO in 2024.

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